Whether it concerns the goal or aim of education, or its method of approach or its component parts, all his thoughts, we shall observe, stem from this dormant theme of his philosophy which has its moorings in Vedanta.He states it emphatically that if society is to be reformed, education has to reach everyone-high and low, because individuals are the very constituents of society.
The sense of dignity rises in man when he becomes conscious of his inner spirit, and that is the very purpose of education. He strives to harmonize the traditional values of India with the new values brought through the progress of science and technology. He states it emphatically that if society is to be reformed, education has to reach everyone-high and low, because individuals are the very constituents of society.
The sense of dignity rises in man when he becomes conscious of his inner spirit, and that is the very purpose of education. He strives to harmonize the traditional values of India with the new values brought through the progress of science and technology.
Education for all
Reaching the Unreached
Helping to find Fundamental rights of
Education for the welfare of humanity
"साक्षर भारत मिशन"
के अंतर्गत बेसिक साक्षरता कार्यक्रम